- Intellectual Authorities and Hubs of Green Chemistry: Marcelino, Leonardo Victor; Pinto, Adilson Luiz and Marques, Carlos Alberto
- A Blockchain Approach to Social Responsibility: Bedin, Augusto R. C.; Queiroz, Wander; Capretz, Miriam; Mir, Syed
- A distributed tool for online identification of communities in co-authorship networks at a university: David, Nuno; Rodrigues, David; Cortinhal, Maria JoĂŁo
- A Method for Clustering and Predicting Stocks Prices by using Recurrent Neural Networks:Affonso, Felipe; Dias, Thiago; Adilson Luiz
- A methodology for creating a well-trained text corpus to enhance Named-Entity Recognition in Portuguese language: DE ARAUJO, Gustavo; Silva, Rogério, de Aquino; da Silva, Luana; Dutra, Moisés, Lima
- A strategy for co-authorship recommendation: Analysis Using Scientific Data Repositories: Affonso, Felipe; Dias, Thiago; Santiago, Monique
- An altmetric alternative for measuring the impact of university institutional repositories’ grey literature:Valles, Miguel; Velasco, Juan; Injante, Richard
- Concepts in Topics. Using Word Embeddings to leverage the outcomes of Topic Modeling for the exploration of digitized archival collections: Coeckelbergs, Mathias
- Examining the Linking Patterns and Link Building Strategies of Mainstream and Alternative Online News Media in Central Europe: Hrckova, Andrea; Moro, Robert; Srba, Ivan; Bielikova, Prof. Maria
- Characterization of Women’s Scientific Participation in Brazil: Santiago, Monique, de Oliveira; Dias, Thiago, Magela Rodrigues; Affonso, Felipe
- Identification of the relationships between the stages of the Data Lifecycle and the principles of the General Data Protection Act: Freund, Gislaine, Parra; Fagundes, Priscila, Basto; Macedo, Douglas, Dyllon Jeronimo de
- Librarianship in the age of data science: data librarianship Venn diagram: Semeler, Alexandre; Pinto, Adilson, Luiz
- Organizational Learning in the Age of Data: Banasiewicz, Andrew
- Personal data protection and its reflexes on the data broker industry: Birckan, Guilherme; Godoy Viera, Angel, Freddy; Jeronimo de Macedo, Douglas, Dyllon; Lima Dutra, Moises
- Proposal of model for curation digital objects of a oncology research center: mello, josiane; Godoy Viera, Angel, Freddy
- Provenance Data Collection Method Proposal for Application in Hemotherapy Centers in Brazil: Sembay, Márcio José; Macedo, Douglas Dyllon, Jeronimo; Dutra, Moisés, Lima
- Relations between the concepts of disinformation and the Fogg Behavior Model: Muriel-Torrado, Enrique, Muriel; Borges Pereira, Danielle
- Data Management Plan in Research: Characteristics and Development: Cauchick Miguel, Paulo A.; Moro, Suzana, Regina; Rivera, Roberto; Amorim, Marlene